How To Create Successful Habits?


    If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude. -Colin Powell

    It is always early to acquire new habits. It is not too late to change your life, you can adopt any skills you want, whether you are in your 20s, 30s or more than that. You only need to have a strong willingness to do so and you can do whatever you want. Read the full article to learn more about ways to create good and successful habits.

    Maybe you didn't yet create the life you desired, but it's not too late as you think, people older than you established their lifestyle in old age. So by adopting a set of successful habits, you can achieve your goals and make your dream come true. If life did not look the way you want it's because of your bad habits, but don't worry it's time to change everything and to add new and successful habits. Adding good habits to your life every time is life switching. It's time to start because the appropriate time is not guaranteed. Start now for changing and creating the habits that will switch your life.

  It is good to think about changing your bad habits, however, trying to change everything at the same time is difficult. Instead, create a list of habits that you are going to change and start by determining what is important, and pick the most important one.

    When you define your targeted habits, the next step is to create an appropriate time to practice your new habits. Devote an hour or less to practising your new habit every day. For example, if you decide to start reading books, It is always better to devote a fixed time to do this habit and remind yourself about this habit regularly, many apps can help you with this, for example, a to-do list, or you can use the notification bill in your mobile phone or tablet.

    Defining the desired habits is half of the way. When you know where to go, the next steps are simple. Separate your new habit into small deeds. If you create a detailed plan and divide it into small actions every day, it is more likely to be a long life habit and easy to attain. For instance, being a long-life reader may sound difficult to accomplish at first, however starting with reading 5 to 10 pages every day will foster the process and sound like an uncomplicated task to achieve.

    Change gradually and slowly. Buddha one said "Drop by drop is the water pot filled". Whenever you start creating a new habit, take your time and don't rush things, and try to focus on every step because it takes time and effort, and every single step makes the whole process. Take it easy and build habits that will last long because those habits may define who you will become in the future.

     Celebrate small achievements, at any time you did something properly, take some time to celebrate your accomplishments, thus this helps you to get more done because whenever you accomplish your daily tasks, and reward yourself with a small reward, it helps you to be motivated and do more things. celebrate with a silly dancing or create your unique celebration way is a good way to boost your motivation, but make sure it is not a birth of a bad habit because it will cost you a lot to get over. Celebrating your small wins not only improves your motivation and self-esteem but also it makes you more disciplined.

     Remind yourself about the reward. Every time you think about giving up, try to recall yourself about the big rewards, this will help to contemplate again why you started in the first place and how many setbacks you passed through. Believe me that there is something special behind choosing and keep fighting this long way and that many good things will encounter your life, just keep going and build more good habits, and success will take your way soon.

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  1. Love these tips, I try to do them when I want to make something a habit. Celebrating small wins is a good idea too :)

    1. Yes, You are right. the same thing here, I always celebrate when I completed my daily tasks because it helps me to stay motivated and to achieve more things.
