A Dose Of Hope Is Always Important


    In life, we pass through hard times. You may live hard times in which you have experienced a bad divorce with your partner or a break-up with your beloved one or one of your best relatives passed away, so you find it difficult to go on, and life looks dim so that you see a spot of hope may make a big difference to change the whole situation. In the rest of this article, I will deal with many reasons why hope is important in our life.

   Hope always makes positive changes. You may go over many difficult times, but you look for a small dose of hope to make your life a little positive. Hope may come to you in different shapes, it may come as a person or an inspiring idea from a book or a journal, or it may be a message from God. I do believe that through our difficult moments a message from God may make a great difference and shows that everything will be alright one day.

    It is like when you are in an outright dark room and you consider a tiny line of light from the bottom of the door or a small hole penetrating the entire room this shows that even if you had tough times, there is always a way to go out there.

    Be always hopeful. Believing that everything will be good one day will give you a push to work hard for achieving your goals. For instance, if you failed something (an exam, a driven test or getting a job), hoping that you will attain what you are working on one day will improve your performance to get what you wanted. I failed many times in my life, but I did not stop there because every time I failed, I learned something new and there are other ways, I didn't try yet so I get to believe that one day I will get what I am working on.

    Hope can save our lives. Depression, anxiety and suicide can be an explicit result of losing hope and faith, so be fully hopeful and start doing meaningful things to change your life, there is always a way, once you know that one day you will get what you are dreaming for, you will start doing the right things to be there and make your dreams come true. Many people find it hard to change what makes them easy victims of depression and anxiety, so hoping for a bright future will fully help you to work for it and take suitable steps.

    Hope can be your real source of motivation. It may be a strong reason to get out of your bed every day. The main problem with motivation is that it is not always there, sometime it is present, and other times it is absent, so being motivated during your whole life is doubtful. Consequently, hope gives you a dose of motivation, whereas every time you believe in yourself and you have positive views toward your goals, you will be more motivated and disciplined. Highly motivated people are always successful in their fields, and they achieve more than normal people do.

    Hope improves your happiness. Being a hopeful person is highly related to your happiness because hope is always associated with something we desire, so hoping to achieve or get something in your life will change your perspectives and will give you positive emotions toward a happy life. whereas seeing yourself achieving your goals will enhance your feelings of happiness and optimism which makes your difficult times simple to bear.

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  1. I completely agree! Sometimes hope is all that gets us through tough times.

  2. A very useful article about Hope. Hope is a base for a journey towards goals accomplishment and success. The lines of this article I got more insights are, ". Hope can be your real source of motivation. It may be a strong reason to get out of your bed every day. The main problem with motivation is that it is not always there, sometime it is present, and other times it is absent, so being motivated during your whole life is doubtful. Consequently, hope gives you a dose of motivation, whereas every time you believe in yourself and you have positive views toward your goals, you will be more motivated and disciplined. Highly motivated people are always successful in their fields, and they achieve more than normal people do "
