Why Others' Opinions Don't Matter?

    " Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind." by Dr Seuss

    Nobody is free from people's talk. People will talk, they will say and think things that are not yours. You will go along in life when people say things that you didn't say. Whatever you do and behave, you will be the main plate of some people's talk. So why should you care about their thoughts? why do you let them define and make an impact on you?

   People always talk and make judgements, being sensitive and taking everything they say personally aggravated the intensity of the problem because it may drain your energy and ruin your life.

    There are many reasons why people think and say things about you. Some people may judge you due to the change they want to see in themselves, and others criticise you so that they would feel good about themselves and their lives.

    If you are aware of what people think and say about you and how did affect your short and long-term decisions, you won't be a victim of their choices anymore and you won't let them get what they wanted. So every time someone shares with you his/her thoughts on you, bear in your mind that it is just an opinion, not a reality, so always believe in yourself, and do what is right. the only one who is responsible to make the right choices is you because you are the one who knows your real weaknesses and strengths, and changing your future is your responsibility.

    You are responsible for your life. Peoples think and say, you won't stop them, Instead take full responsibility for your life, and let people speak. Defining your goals and working hard to achieve them is always a better way than wasting your time and energy on what others say and think about you.

    People who love you may give you their interpretations about your life sometimes, and how things work with them. It is good to hear relatives' opinions about your career and goals, however, what works for them, may not work for you because everyone is unique, and how you see life is different from how you see it, so be you and set your objectives, and work hard to achieve them.

    Nobody cares about your life. It only takes a few minutes for others to think about your life. Everybody has his problems, and they are dealing with them.

     In the end, you are the one stuck with the end consequences and the one who deals with the results of your decisions because it is your life, nobody is you, and this is a big advantage, so make your future. If you add value to the world, whatever it is and whatever they say, never stop it. keep doing the good things, and never stop the good work because people will talk anyway.

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